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This phrase has been around since the early nineties but really caught on in the last ten years as more twenty-somethings began to recognize and talk about it. I became interested in the phrase when at 25 years old I began to question everything in my life and was overwhelmed with doubt, anxiety and confusion about who I was and what I really wanted in life. I woke up one day in a cold sweat and found myself in the midst of my own quarterlife crisis. The good news is that I survived it and can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life.
Now at 33, my passion is supporting twenty-somethings in navigating their way through their quarterlife crises.
So you may be wondering, "Am I having a quarterlife crisis?" To help you answer that question, take my quarterlife crisis diagnosis quiz which consists of 25, appropriately, questions.
Read each question carefully and answer quickly with a simple yes or no (don't over think it!):
1. Are you in a "funk" where you feel like nothing is terribly wrong, but nothing seems right either?
Apakah Anda ada dalam situasi dimana Anda merasa seperti tidak ada yang sangat salah, tapi sepertinya tidak ada yang benar juga?
2. Do you feel older for the first time in your life?
Apakah Anda merasa tua untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup Anda?
3. Are you unmotivated, directionless or passionless?
Apakah Anda tidak termotivasi, tanpa arah atau tidak bernafsu?
4. Are you concerned that you don't know what you want to do with your life?
Apakah Anda khawatir bahwa Anda tidak tahu apa yang ingin Anda lakukan dengan hidup Anda?
5. Do you feel pressure to grow up and get your adult life in order?
Apakah Anda merasa tertekan saat tumbuh dan menjadi dewasa?
6. Do you feel entitled to a life much grander than the one you are living?
Apakah Anda merasa berhak mendapatkan kehidupan yang jauh lebih baik dari kehidupan saat ini?
7. Do you often feel depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, lost, and maybe even a little hopeless?
Apakah Anda sering merasa depresi, gelisah, bingung, kehilangan, dan mungkin bahkan sedikit harapan?
8. Do you feel a lot of pressure and expectations to do, have or be something?
Apakah Anda merasa banyak tekanan dan harapan untuk melakukan, memiliki atau menjadi sesuatu?
9. Do you ever feel that time is running out in regards to figuring out your career and deciding whether you want to get married and/or have children?
Apakah anda pernah merasa kehabisan waktu untuk memikirkan masalah karir dan memutuskan untuk menikah dan mempunyai anak?
10. Are you stressed out by choices that seemingly will affect the rest of your life?
Apakah anda tertekan dengan pilihan yang nampaknya akan mempengaruhi sisa hidup anda?
11. Are you experiencing confusion or disappointment in your career?
Apakah anda mengalami kebingungan atau kekecewaan dalam karir?
12. Do you feel that you have failed because you don't know what you want to do with your life?
Apakah anda merasa anda telah gagal karena tidak mengetahui apa yang diinginkan dalam hidup anda?
13. Do you know what you want to do, but can't seem to make it work?
Apakah Anda tahu apa yang ingin Anda lakukan, tapi tidak bisa untuk mewujudkannya?
14. Is it difficult for you to make decisions and when you do, you question them?
Apakah sulit bagi Anda untuk membuat keputusan dan ketika Anda melakukannya, apakah anda mempertanyakannya?
15. Do you overanalyze yourself?
Apakah anda menilai diri anda sendiri secara berlebihan?
16. Do you ever feel guilty for complaining about your life or feel like you are disappointing people (especially your parents)?
Apakah Anda pernah merasa bersalah karena mengeluh tentang hidup Anda atau anda merasa mengecewakan orang-orang (terutama orangtua Anda)?
17. Are you embarrassed that you have not figured out more?
Apakah Anda malu bahwa Anda belum tahu lebih banyak?
18. Is a breakup, romantic relationship, or lack of one causing you stress and/or sadness?
Apakah putus cinta, hubungan romantis, atau kurangnya satu menyebabkan Anda stres dan / atau kesedihan?
19. Are you still living at home with mom and dad?
Apakah kamu masih tinggal bersama orang tua?
20. Do you frequently compare yourself to other people your age and feel like you don't measure up?
Apakah Anda sering membandingkan diri Anda dengan orang lain yang seusia dan merasa anda tidak memiliki sifat-sifat yang dikehendaki sesuai dengan usia anda?
21. Do you feel financially unstable?
Apakah Anda merasa secara finansial tidak stabil?
22. Could your self-esteem use an upgrade?
Dapatkah harga diri anda mengalami peningkatan?
23. Are you thinking about going back to grad school because you don't know what else to do with your life?
Apakah Anda berpikir tentang kembali ke sekolah pascasarjana karena Anda tidak tahu harus berbuat apa lagi dengan hidup Anda?
24. Are you constantly thinking about the future resulting in anxiety and possibly panic?
Apakah anda selalu memikirkan masa depan yang mengakibatkan kecemasan dan kepanikan?
25. Is your life just not at all turning out like you planned?
Apakah hidup Anda tidak berjalan seperti yang Anda rencanakan?
If you answered "yes" to 12 or more of the 25 questions above, you are likely to be experiencing a quarterlife crisis. But don't worry, this is not bad news! The purpose of the quiz is to show you that you are actually going through a very normal and natural rite of passage that no one may have warned you about. You are not alone. The questions presented come from my eight years of investigating what most of us go through during our twenties which is a lot of questioning! The twenty-something years are a confusing, scary, frustrating and exciting, stimulating, and transformational time. Unfortunately, a high school or college diploma does not come with instructions for the "real world." You have to believe in and truly get to know yourself in order to have clarity about your dreams and goals as well as insights about how to reach them. But that is no easy task, especially in a society that is so externally focused and driven by expectations.
You may have bought into some misunderstanding that by your twenties, you are supposed to have your entire life figured out. This is false! The twenty-something years are a rather messy rite of passage without any fancy ceremonies or parties to mark that you are through them. Once you remove this intense pressure to do, be, and have so much on the outside, and shift your focus inside, you will see that you get to decide what your twenty-something years are really about. You are the expert, you have the answers, and you will be your own greatest motivator. Trust me. Or better yet, trust yourself.
My intention in writing this column is to reassure you that there is nothing wrong with you and offer some tips for navigating your own way through it. Up until now, your entire life may have been well scripted and now you are at a point in your life where you have to answer your own questions. Before you try to answer all the questions about what to be and who to be with, there is a very fundamental question to clarify first: WHO ARE YOU? This is the question I invite you to explore between now and my column next week. Take some time to sit quietly and reflect upon this question. Write your answers and thoughts out, don't just think about them (you think enough already!).
Now for those of you thinking that you do not have time for self-discovery, my response to you is that you cannot afford not to. The alternative is to continue to spin in your quarterlife crisis and make choices based on fear, other people's advice, expectations, or societal pressures. And there is nothing wrong with that if you are prepared to have a mid-life crisis as well!
Until next week,
Your Quarterlife coach,
hmmm ... gak bisa berkata2 banyak :D
BalasHapusapanya yg bnyk, pak? biasanya kan ini dialami ma yg msh single, hehe..
BalasHapusHasil diagnosis pak adam positif mengalami jg, kah???